


Perseverance is define as being steadfast in doing something despite difficult or delay in achieving success. Continuance in as state of grace leading finally to a state of Glory. Synonyms: persistence-tenacity-pertinacity-assiduity.   While walking on your journey obstacle, challenges, and road blocks will present themselves in many different shapes and forms.  When the journey becomes hard please keep your head held high and continue to persevere through the raging storms of life. Along the journey you will lose some people, key people that were only sent in your life for a lesson learned. New people will come into your life to assist you into the new level and dimensions in life.

Obstacles present themselves to test your level of determination and perseverance.  The winner places their focus and undivided attention on the prize that is front of them. Pressing through you pain will determine how success the journey will be.  Even in the most painfulness’ circumstance the winner is able to press through the hurt, disappointment, grief, loss, divorce, death, homelessness, and sickness.  Look inside of yourself and discover the untapped power and energy that lies deep within your soul. Dear God empower, inspire, and encourage me to see the Sunshine at the end of the tunnel.  Provide sunshine in my dark hour and give me the ability to see and press in against all of the odds that is set before me.  Persistence will fuel me to achieve what seems to be impossible according the natural eye. You win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not give up no matter what comes or who goes.  

1 comment:

  1. This poem came to me from a place of pain and struggle. God reminded me that the most powerful anointing comes, when you have suffered the most. Please continue to go forward despite the pain, grief, and sorrow that you maybe experienceing. Press through the pain. Continue to run even if you are hurting and crying!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will make it to the finish line.
