




The Four revolutionary words that I heard in the Spirit Realm entering into 2012 was HEALING, RESTORATION, RECOVERY, REJUVENATE, and restoration of lost generations that has forfeited the Call of God in that family blood line. Throughout 2012 the Lord said he will operate in Four of these  Specific dimensions concerning your life and people who are divinely connected to you.

Early Wednesday morning as I was speaking with my Spiritual Daughter, the Lord begins to speak boldly to my Spirit about turning one's pain into purpose. So many people are filled with hurts from their childhood, teens, and adulthood. Those pains have significantly decreased their productivity.

This impact continues to torment the Spirit, Soul, and Body. These hurts continue to have detrimental effects on your Spiritual and Natural Progression. Unfortunately, these pains has cause thousands upon thousands to become stagnate and unproductive in their walk with God, personal relationships, emotional health, physical health, socially, educationally, professionally and economically.

Many of you are still asking God why did this happen or how could you let this happen to me. Please know that God didn't bring or cause that pain in your life. But God can turn your Pain into divine purpose that will ultimately qualify you for the assignment that you have been called too: even before the foundation of this World. Some many of you are living in a deep place of regret, remorse, and sorrow for things you had no control over.

I am speaking to almost millions of people that are stuck in that dark place of pain, disappointed, arrested development, distrust, regret, sorrow, bitterness, rage, anger, hatred, jealousy, and torment. These negative emotions have brought sickness into your natural bodies because of these deep issues that have happened in your past. I call you out of that dark place of pain that has caused you to live in a place of limitations, insecurities, depression, suicide, low self-esteem, distrust, anxiety, mental illness, fear of being in a committed relationship.

Some of you have even question why was I born to my parents, why was I born in this certain location of the world? Destiny includes pain and intense Joy. God said that my people shall experience Joy like they have never experienced in the next 30-180 days. Watch me fill your cup and take away the sorrow of your past and present situations. Your spiritual enemy strategic assignment from your childhood even into your adulthood is to hide your true identity in me saith the Lord.

The enemy have placed a dark blanket over your gifts and callings. By the Apostolic and Prophetic authority that has been given unto me by Jesus Christ, I release you from that Spiritual dungeon and prison that has held you captivated for years and even generations.

I stir up the Gifts of God that are lying dormant in you and command the Real Man and Woman of God to come forth. I speak to the enemy that would try to steal your identity and give you a false personality. This Strategic Enemy can no longer live in your dark places of Pain.

This pain has locked up many of your Spiritual bowels and so I speak and declare the release to everyone that is imprisoned because of their intense pain and bleeding hurts. You are being called forth out of that dungeon as we cross over into a New Apostolic and Prophetic Zone. It is time for many of you to come to the fore-front because I have called you and appointed you for such a time as this. I was with you my child as you endured such pain and humiliation.

I am healing and releasing you from that place of shame, guilt, depression, despair, humiliation, downtrodden, and embarrassment. You have journeyed in this place long enough. It is time that you allow me into those areas where you have shut down emotionally and mentally. I am bringing recovery to the lost years, health, wealth, and even to the lost generations!!!

For some of you have experienced pain beyond human imagination in your, but I will turn this pain that was meant to destroy you for my ultimate good. I am healing those who have suffered childhood molestation by your father and mother, teacher, minister, uncle, brother, sisters, and even the same sex , rape, abuse, rejection, divorce, drugs, and some many others things that have tried to rob you of your destiny. I will bring you from a place of despair, depression, and being downtrodden to a place of Royalty.

The enemy tried to scar you to the point of no return my children but I have another plan that will ultimately defeat this enemy.  Your pain will be used in my hand to bring deliverance and healing to the brokenhearted, discouraged, depressed, downtrodden, and defeated. Is there not a balm in Gilead? I have heard the cries of my people!!!!!!!!!!!! I command Pharaoh to let my People Go". There is healing in my presence, face, and hands. I Shall bringing healing, restoration, and recovery in this New Year.

Mark my words and doubt not!!!! I am not a man that I shall lie. My healing shall flow like a river and many of you shall experience my healing power in the midnight season you shall be awaken and feel my healing power running through you like virtue. Cry no more my children; shame is not your portion. As you read this letter I am starting the healing process and this process shall wipe away the sting of the trauma but the scar will only exist so that you can minister effectively.

No longer shall you have flash backs concerning those tormenting moments when you were molested, abused, loves ones that was murdered, rape, and even those who have committed child molestation, sexual rape there is room at the cross for you, abortions, homosexuality, witchcraft, violence, abandonment, low self-esteem, divorce, transgender, drug dealers, and witches.

I am wiping away the Spirit of Fear that would try to arrest you in your emotions so that you cannot have a healthy relationship in the days to come. I was right there when you suffered that pain and didn't allow the enemy to destroy you because my hand was on you for divine purpose. For many of you question to this day why am I still alive, you are alive because I have destiny and purpose for your life. This new life that you are about to experience will wash away the filthiness and the nastiness that the adversary tried to infect you with.

I shall turn your mourning into dancing and shall over fill you with joy and prosperity. It is time that you take a step of faith and move from the place of woundeness into a place of Kingship authority. This pain shall be used for my Glory and honor in this season. For many of you are called to start a ministry out of the pain that you suffered you shall bring healing and restoration to those who are broken in those same areas.

For many of you shall write books that will minister to those who are broken. There are many women and men who have been raped and I have called you to open centers that will minister to this population of broken people. For many of you shall open businesses that will minister to those who are broken. Out of your pain shall come forth blessing and prosperity?

We must address the pain of forgiveness of those that have violated you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, sexually, and economically. I speak to those who have walked in on a family member abusing the small child, I am healing your devastation and mental anguish. You must release and forgive in order for me to do my work and my will. One of the keys to healing and restoration is forgiveness of the person or persons who have harmed you or someone you love.

Forgiveness releases the person from their charges, but mostly it releases you from a dark place. My people are holding on to Unforgiveness and this has opened several doors for your adversary to have illegal entry. I walk teach and train my people how to be warriors for my Kingdom!!!!! You must see your season of Recovery approaching soon; some of you have already stepped into this season. I will recover things that your previous generation has lost. For many of you I will restore lost generations that the enemy has stolen.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. For many of you have struggled for years upon years with unforgiveness aspect but at this very moment as you open yourself to me: I am empowering you to do what you cannot do in your own natural ability. You can trust me my children I am a father that will never violate your will. You must allow me to go into that dark place and help you walk out of there. Give me your hands and at this very moment I a walking literally thousands of people out of there Prisons that has bound you for generations and years.

I will close the door and you will never be tormented again. Come into my Secret place and ye shall find rest and comfort from your past shame. I need you too trust me, I am in no ways like man I cannot and never shall I fail you my children. In order to break the bounds of wickedness you must prepare yourself and go on a fast and cry out to me as you enter into this New Year.

I am going to release many of you from strongholds that come down your generational blood line: and I will close the door so that these Evil Wick Spirits will never enter your blood line again. I am going to break you free from generational strong holds that has existed from generations.

During this time I need you to cry out to me like never before and when you seek for me you shall find me and I shall heal your land!!!! This Year is a year of Healing, Recovery, Restoration, and Rejuvenation!!!! There are things that you must do in order for this Word to come to Pass!!!! I am asking for a commitment for many of you to adopt a life style that includes Fasting and Praying on Regular bases. You must walk in forgiveness continually each and every day, if not your enemy will steal your deliverance. Release the bitterness, anger, hatred, jealousy, and replace it with my Love. I will give you personal strategies on how to maintain your deliverance and freedom.

As you release the pain, I am applying Spiritual medicine to your wounds and pains and this Spiritual antibiotic is clearing up the infection that has spreaded to many parts of your body. For many of you shall instantly be healed from sicknesses that dwelled in your body because of unforgiveness. You shall go to your Counselors this year and they shall notice the healing that has taken place in your life. What would take years I am about to recover in minutes, days, months, and years. There is massive Gifts of Healing and Deliverance in many of my people that are reading this letter.

Here are some instructions that you can follow in order to help with your healing and deliverance process. I encourage many of you to print this word out and throughout 2012 take time to focus on your own personal healing and deliverance. Some people will experience instantly healing & deliverance and some will have a process to work through. God is not a magician he is a Physician. Please follow the orders of your Spiritual physicians and watch your God perform the impossible.

Those who suffer from deep sexual sins, such as child molestation, pornography, homosexuality, sex with animals, transgender, and deep seated perversion and there is no one that you can trust with your secrets. You are at the right place at the right time. There is healing and deliverance for you my brothers and sisters.

Visiting this blog you are not condemned or rejected Christ desires to heal you. I know you cannot speak of the things that you have done, but God is ever present and ever wants to forgive you of your sins and heal your land. There is no sin that he cannot and will not heal. Please read and apply the word of God and watch your healing take place. I love you and will never judge you; I just want you to be free and take your rightful place in the Kingdom of God. My assignment is to be a bridge builder in the Spirit and Natural Realm.  

Fundamental Principles Scriptural Context

The Heavenly Balm

The Balm of Gilead is interpreted as a spiritual medicine that is able to heal ... First the natural side --- Josephus said that "balm" was first introduced to Israel when the Queen of Sheba gave it as a gift to Solomon. Thereafter the Balsam tree came to be cultivated on Mount Gilead. Gilead region was soon noted for its physicians and its curative balm.

The balm of Gilead was used both as a perfume base and as curative anointing oil. People believed it had miracle medicinal powers. After Christ, a curse was placed on any Hebrew who gave the balm recipe to a Gentile. (According to rabbinic Judaism.) And so we have a costly and precious anointing oil whose fragrance was wonderful to the smell and whose curative powers was known all over the Roman Empire. It was so costly that rarely did any common person own any of it.

It is here that we need to go to the deeper spiritual significance of the balm of Gilead. In ancient time the prophets were seen as spiritual physicians. They often brought God's healing Word and wisdom to the sin-sick souls of men. Thus the sage said, "The tongue of the wise brings healing." (Pro12:18)

Scriptures References

There is a balm in Gilead, To make the wounded whole;

There is a balm in Gilead, To heal the sin-sick soul.

Jeremiah 8:22--Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

The balm is the blood of Jesus bringing its spiritual miracle medicinal powers to the soul. John said something very similar in 1 John 1:6,7

2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and

Seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will

Forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Isaiah 58:6-8 (KJV)

6Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the

Heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

7Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to

Thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself

From thine own flesh?

8Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth

Speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy


Prophetess Bridgette Jones

1 comment:

  1. I am so honored and would like to Give God all the praise and honor that is due to him. I am honored that you choose me to be a Vessel that would Speak forth and Declare your Word in this Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
