
Bridgette Jones " Prophetic Birthing Chamber"

Bridgette Jones “Prophetic Birthing Chamber" " The Prophetic Word of the Lord”

By Bridgette Whitby on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 10:30am

It is time to give Birth to that which is inside of you. Many of you are Pregnant with Divine Purpose. The Labor Pains have intensified because it is now time to release that which is divine. The Spiritual babies that you have been carrying is about to come out of the Womb. The Ministries, businesses, deliverance from the unholy things, healing ministries, deliverance from demons, release from poverty, release from sickness are about to be brought forth. “Many of my people have been questioning why certain things have been happening over the last 15 months" it has been my hand preparing you for the work that I called you too. It has not been Satan. You have experienced a tremendous amount of pain and loss.

But it was my divine will to burn up everything inside of you that does not bring Glory to my Kingdom. Do not weep anymore; I am turning your mourning into dancing, and your ashes into beauty. The Fire that came has to burn the rubbish and garbage inside of you so that the ashes can bring forth purified beauty. Beauty that only comes from my Spirit. I am tearing those things and people from your life that have hindered my work in your life. I have removed certain people from your life because; they are full of doubt and unbelief. And some of them were sent on a assignment to hinder the work and progress that I have called you to.

I am giving my people Discernment in this hour. You will be able to know who is sent from me and who is sent from the enemy to hinder my work. I will give you Wisdom to deal with those who have come to hinder my work. I will give you dreams and visions in this season, tell the people who are sent by the enemy to repent and turn to me and I will save them. Show my love but use discernment. They are actually Spiritual Leeches that are sent to drain you of your energy, stamina, and your spiritual vision.

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