


Child molesters in my house: My people do you do not hear the screams of the children in my house who are being molested right in my temple. Their cries go out before me every day. You have become too relaxed and have allowed the enemy to come in my house and dwell amongst my people without being able to discern the enemy and his tactics. While you having services the enemy is molesting the children thus bringing a spirit of homosexuality, perversion, and lust upon my people.

Where are my Spiritual watchmen in this hour? Cry aloud and tell these people to repent of their sins and turn to me and I will deliver them and heal their land. The spirit of molestation stinks right in my nostril and my children are being invaded by the enemy and they cannot fight back. They are the weakest ones and no one is protecting them from the Spiritual wolves that come into my house dressed in sheep covering. But they are wolves sent to destroy my chosen people. My people are being spiritually raped and prostituted.

This enemy is on my pulpit preaching my word, singing, leading the choir, urshing, on the deacon board, and he is even in your home molesting and hurting my children right up under your nose. No one even sees the trap of this enemy because my people are concerned with the things of this world. Turn from your evil wicks and seek my face. Judgment must first come to my house and my people before I can rightfully judge this world. Get your spiritual and natural house in order. 1 Peter 4: 17, For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God ?

The fathers and mothers are having sex with their own children and no one preaches against the perversion that is taking place in the Land. The people are having sex with animals and doing every wicked and unimaginable thing. Yet my people are silent and they hid behind the four walls of the church. My people are blind and deaf spiritually. Do you not hear my voice calling unto you in this hour?

The wicked and evil things that are taking place in my house is out of order. I will not tolerate it any more. Tell the people to repent in this hour. For judgment is coming. I am a Holy God and I will not tolerate your evil and wicked ways any longer. You are preaching a watered down Gospel that has no power to deliver and save my people. My word is life and his has the power to save, set free, heal, deliver my people. My people are doing wicked and unimaginable things in my presence and then they come before me leading praise and worship. I cannot even accept this type of burnt offering... Cry out to me and I will hear your prayers and heal your land. " 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

 I am moving these leaders out of my way that are hindering my work from being done in this hour. I am releasing a new breed of leadership that will cry aloud and tell the people to repent and turn back to their first love. You have played too long and my judgment is being executed right as I speak. Move out of my way you wicked and evil people that refuses to obey my word. Your works stinks in my nostril, you think that I am amongst this wicked people who refuses to admit their sins and turn from there wickedness. The USA is coming under my divine judgment for their evil and wick ways. The other nations among you shall rise in this hour to set forth my Kingdom.

I am tired and sick of your rebelliousness and evil ways. My days of pleading and waiting are over, people are dying in this world and my body is tainted with all kind of evil and wicked perversion. Yet they sing praises and honor to me with their lips but their hearts is so far from me. I am calling for a people in this hour that hearts and hands that are purified from the inside out.

You are so concerned about these conferences that I am not even present. My presence has been removed from so many churches; I will not dwell with a people who are rebellious and stiff neck. For those who are able to hear the sound of the Trumpet in this hour you must prepare yourself for a mighty move of my Spirit. Some of you will not cross, to see the promise land.

Prepare yourself for a true authenticate move of my Spirit. I am preparing a leadership that will preach my word and not their opinions and personal beliefs. Leave your personal opinions and beliefs system to yourself. My people must be feed my word and not the words of men and their wicked evil ways. I shall clean and prepare my body; my body is broken because of man and his own wicked ways.

Stop letting the enemy make you think that everything is okay, no my people turn and repent immediately. I am calling forth a pure and holy bride that is without blemish or any wrinkles. My people are hurting and are bond. My leadership has failed to minister to my people because they are so caught up with their popularity, clothing, nice cars, and there heart is so far from me.

But they get in my pulpit and preach a message that is powerless. No more I say, No more shall I, contend with this people my judgment shall go forth. Repent leadership for failing to do what I have told you to do.  My sheep is lost, broken, defeated, suicidal, and they have no direction... I will raise up Pastors in this hour that will take care of my flock, those that are connected to me.

Not just a title, your title does not qualify you to walk in that office because I have never called you, you called yourself. You are man-made and not God made. I shall uncover and expose those that are false and are not sent by me. Rebellion is your portion because you will not turn and repent from your evil ways...You are deceiving my people. Your end has come..........

Scriptures References:

Jeremiah 5-1

2 Chronicles 7:14 

O God I stand repenting of my evil and wicked ways hear my cry O God and heal my land. I stand here and receive your word about the judgment, but I must first judge myself and ask you to remove every unclean thing that is in my heart. Judge the motives of my heart. I do not want to be deceived or tricked by my enemy. I receive your rebuke and correction you love me when you correct me, bring me in complete alignment with your divine will. Remove and cleanse this vessel to be an Honorable vessel that is able to hold your Glory and anointing...

1 comment:

  1. The Body of Christ musr repent and turn from her evil and wick ways.... Leadership with in the Church must repent and turn quickly or else we will see Judgment like never before. As a Leader I stand repenting of my ways that does not please God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turn America Turn America.
