1 Chronicles 12:32 –And of the children of Issachar,
which were men that had understanding to the times, to know what Israel out to do;
the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their
commandment . (King James Version)
Discernment: 1 Corinthians 12:10 quotes “and to
another distinguishing between spirits” (NIV). Define Discernment: means to be able to distinguish between right
and wrong, good and evil. It is having the ability to think through tough
issues. It is ability to “ discern” whether, a saying, teaching, doctrine,
written word, or event is good or evil; being it true or false ; and if the source meaning
or intentions are of God, the person or Satanic deception. The person with
discernment has the ability to read between the lines and get to the truth of
an issue. The person receives a check or balance in his or spirit concerning a
problem, situation, person, event, or major decisions.
There are many of you who are surrounded by
Spiritual Imposters, and these spiritual imposters are literally opposing my
divine will in your life. They are counterfeits posing to be the real but they
are actually false. The assignment of the spiritual imposter is to lead you off
from my divine will: and into a path of destruction. There are hundreds of you
that are about to get married to a Spiritual Imposter, they posse a title and
wear certain clothing and even speak what seems to be my word: they are sent
from the enemy. Don’t ignore the red flags and warning signs that you are experiencing.
The assignment of the Spiritual Imposter will lead you into a place of darkness
and captivity.
The Spiritual Imposters posse a strong spirit of witchcraft,
manipulation, divination, and silent domination. They will use strong words of
flattery to pull you into a web of deception. Be careful with who you align
yourselves with in this new Season. Some of you have already stepped over into
some dangerous terriority because of your affiliation. Be careful with whom you
link your ministries to because some the connections are coming straight from
the Kingdom of Darkness.
Please heed to the warning signs and don’t blow them
off these signs would actually save your life. The Spiritual Imposters will
always seek to get you to comprise, my word. The comprises will start off small
and then lead to much bigger situations. The Spiritual imposters will not seek
my divine will concerning situations, watch for signs of prayerlessness and their
focus will never be on my word. The three
signs to watch for are prayerlessness, void of my word, a strong spirit of
The Spirit of Deception is the ruling strong man and
he is very cleaver and this Spirit will make you think and believe something
that is totally false and contrary to my word. The Spirit of comprise will soon
follow in such a settle way. You must walk in a strong Spirit of discernment; I
will open your eyes to see that which is evil and cunning.
This spirit is very cunning and deceptive please be watchful
my children as you connect with people in this New Season. You must be able to
discern Spiritually those who are sent by me and those who are sent from your
enemy Satan. Thousands of you are questioning
some of your relationships that you have developed strong connections with over
the last 12-36 months. Seek my face and fast and I will open up your eyes to
see the enemy at work in your ministries. I will begin to open your eyes so that
you can see the plot and schemes of the enemy. Fear not I will show you how to
break the unholy alliances that you have made with Satan.
When it comes to making partnerships in ministry,
business, economics, investment, stocks, movies, entertainment, employment,
caretakers for your children, and marriage please fast and seek my face before
entering into covenants with people. The Spirit of deception will never
encourage you to fast and seek my face when entering into any covenant and its
objectives is to blind you spiritually so that you cannot discern the spiritual
assignment. During this end time my
people must have a strong spirit of discernment in order to function and flow
in my divine will and purposes.
Did not my word say that the very elect would be
deceived in these last days? The Elect represent those that walk very closely
to me. Only through fasting and prayer would one be able to see this powerful
connection of deception in this last day. These agents will perform miracles,
signs, and wonders in my name and I will say you workers of iniquity depart from
me I never knew you. Please don’t be
deceived by the working of the miracles, signs, and wonders. A person can flow
from a spirit of witch craft and a spirit of divination.
I would not have you fearful but you must learn how
to discern that which is Holy from the Unholy. As we move closer to the End
Times the Wickness and Deception will grower stronger and stronger. It becomes
critical that you are able to hear me very succinctly and clearly. Being able
to distinguish between the light and darkness will decrease the amount of
devastation and pain in your life. You
should never fear darkness or the kingdom of evil but you must be able to
discern properly so that you can use wisdom to combat the works of evil.
For many of you have called the holy men and women
unholy and the unholy men and women holy. I am going to give you supernatural insight
and vision in this next season so that you are not confused concerning my will
for your life. If any man lacks wisdom let him ask for it. Because of the signs
of the time it will require people to walk in a strong spirit of discernment in
order to walk in the divine call and administrations.
This type of discernment does not come from the
human realm it only comes from those who are supernaturally connected to me and
you must seek my will concerning major and minor decisions. You cannot afford
to make choices based upon your fleshly desires because these desires could
cost you everything. It is time that you fine tune yourselves in the area of
discernment so that you are able to discern the times and seasons that you are
in. The sons of Issachar was able to discern the times and seasons. Seasons are
critical in this New Year of 2012, I need you to be connected to my will and strategically
beware of what is happening.
No longer can you walk out of my will, I need you to
be connected so that you can receive the Spiritual deposit that is needed for
this new season. There are divine appointments that you must make this year and
you cannot afford to miss them. I am setting up and repositioning some things
in your life as this season is about to come to an end very quickly. During
this season many of you have been told to seek my face concerning healing and
this season coming up will require that you have received a certain amount of
healing in order to grasp the next assignment.
Please understand my people that times and seasons
are very critical to the supernatural process and you must be able to align
yourselves with the upcoming times and seasons. For many of you are questioning
why certain things have not happened, because everything is connected to time
and seasons. Does not the earth has times and season such as winter, spring,
Summer, and fall? Certain things happen according to the season even the ground
and vegetation has to be subject to seasons. For some of you are out of seasons
at this moment because you are looking for things to happen that cannot happen
unless the time and seasons are conducive to my will and government.
As I increase your spiritual discernment in the next
upcoming season you will be able to align yourselves properly with heavens will
and purposes. I will open your eyes to see and ears to hear my plans and will
that must be established in the earth. Fear not as the darkness will grow
darker and darker in this New Year, but my bride is preparing herself for my
Great coming. As your discernment increase you will understand what is taking
place in the Spiritual Realm.
For many of you are questioning whether you should
relocate geographically, some of your divine appointments are on the other side
of the globe, please adhere to my direction. There will be people that will
come into your path and try to take you off your course please be very
attentive to my voice and I will frustrate the plans of the enemy in your life.
The enemy is sending a smoke screen and trying to blur your vision in this New
Season, please don’t be moved by your natural circumstances. Your natural
circumstances will be screaming at you saying look at this problem and
situation. You will only receive from me if you are able to walk by raw faith
in this New Season. For many of you are walking in a new place that requires
radical faith in this New Year. For many
of you have gone through a season of Great Loss and Intensified Pain, but know
this is a setup from Heaven.
I will restore the years that the locust has eaten,
the cankerworm, the caterpillar, the canker worm, and palmerworm has eaten. This is a strategic season for recovery;
you must recover all and please stop being distracted by what your natural eyes
can only see. You must walk in a new level of faith that requires you to expand
and grow to a new level in this Season. You will not be able to walk according
to your natural sight in this new season. I need you to focus on my will and
the assignment that I have for you, and this will require you to become so
focused and not easily distracted by the enemy. There will be many obstacles
and challenges in this New Season do not be moved by these things. They are
sent to frustrate you and move your focus off of me. For thousands of you are frustrated and your
frustration will cause you to be spiritual disconnected from my purposes and plans.
You must overcome the frustration that your opponent
is sending right at you. Trust me I am going to defeat every enemy. I am a Man
of War. Your enemies do not stand a chance in this New Season. The enemy’s assignment is to cause many of
you to miss your divine appointments. You cannot afford to miss these
appointments. Stay focused on my word and hears my voice speaking softly to
your spirit.
When you are frustrated you cannot hear me the
frustration drowns out my voice. I am
teaching you war strategies that will overcome and destroy the works of the
enemy. I am increasing your Spiritual discernment the spiritual volume will be
so clear to you in this New Season. Just obey and follow do not question my
will in your life. Something’s will not make sense to you but when I speak just
obey the commands of heaven. I am sending a New Hope to my people in this hour,
this hope that I have given to you will bring such rejuvenation and supernatural
energy to you.
Recover your hope, joy, strength, health, children, relationships,
businesses, mental and emotional health, homes, and transportation. You can only
recover these things if you have a strong spirit of discernment to be able to
know what is about to be recovered in this season. Move from the place of being
the victim and being depressed. For many
of you have experienced a tremendous amount of pain in the area of
relationships. You are about to recover all in this New Year 2012.
I discern that there are literally thousands of
people have given up in the area of relationships because of your past experiences,
leave the past behind Saith the Lord and allow my will to be done in this New
Season. I am giving you hope to love
again and to love unconditional in this new relationship. I will not allow you to be hurt again, I have
a plan my children and your thoughts are not my thoughts and your ways are not
my ways. Trust me and put down the walls that you have built to protect
yourself from any future hurt or pain. You must discern the plot of the enemy and the
plot is for many of you to never be healed in the area of relationships. Allow
me to go into those dark places and heal your wounds from your past.
The enemy had his hand in your marriage and his plan
was to attack you so that you will be: wounded even to the point where you
cannot enter into a marriage covenant with the person that I have ordained. Please
find your identity in me and in my word, and from this day forward you are
healed in the areas of you Spirit, Soul, and body. There is such a strong call for many of you to
walk in the healing of God because he desires to bring the mate he has ordained
for you.
This is the Season of Recovery for many of you in the
area of relationships God is going to give many of you marital bliss. Walk into
a new place of newness and recovery in this year 2012; let the dead things go
that will try to weigh you down. Open yourself to me and I will do Spiritual
Surgery in this season, I will remove the poison and the brokenness in your mind,
will, intellect, soul.
This is a season where rapid recovery is going to
take place it will not take years to accomplish my will, if you can cooperate
with me: I can perform what would take a counselor five years; I can do it in
minutes, days, and months. Seek
wholeness in every area of your life, in this season of recovery. People will
question how I move in your life but you must not listen to them, hear my voice
and obey.
My thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are
not like your ways. I need you to hear and obey my voice. Some of you are behind schedule and I must
move you forward at a much rapider rate in this year. Just obey and follow my
voice and I will increase your discernment.
My people how long must you stay in that place of brokenness and broken
hearted receive my grace and power to move forward and never look back. 1 Corinthians 12:10- To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
Scriptural Text
Matthew 24:24-For there
shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and
wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
1 Corinthians 2:14- But
the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness
unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Joel-2:25 And I will restore to you the
years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the
palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. (American King James Version)
1 Chronicle 12:32 - And of the children of Issachar,
which were men that had understanding to the times, to know what Israel out to do;
the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their
commandment . (King James Version)
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