
" Understanding Prophetic Times and Seasons " !!!!!! By: Prophetess Bridgette Jones

Apostolic & Prophetic (Birthing Chambers) Prophetess Bridgette Jones's  6/03/2013
5:15 am

" Understanding the Times and Seasons " !!!! Divine Frustration !!!!! 

Times and Seasons are strategically designed by God and the activity attached to the agenda of Heaven. God will teach his Prophets by instructing them that there is times and season that certain things are to happen. Some times the Prophets gets very frustrated because they want certain things to happen but God designed the pattern of times and seasons. It is critical that all believers have the understanding and the concept of times and seasons.

The Sons of Issachar has spiritual discernment and understanding concerning the matters of times and seasons and certain choices that should be made. God will use the Times and Seasons to Harness the Prophets in most cases. It is easy to go ahead of God and start doing one's own thing. Operating prematurely before it is your season to do certain things can be dangerous. It is critical that the Prophets and the believers have an understanding divinely about the Times and Seasons process.

God will hold certain things back because he is trying to accomplish somethings in certain areas of our Life. Or God is setting Key people in there right places. The Prophets gets very frustrated because he or she is waiting for certain things to happen and they have not come into fruition at that particular time and season. Most Prophets go through Seasons of Divine Frustration because certain things has not happened yet. The Prophets and the believers must Spiritually Discern what God is doing in that particular season that he or she is in........

The Prophet is made and harnessed during these dry seasons.... Sometimes God allows Divine Frustration to come in so that the aggression and frustration is used to drive us toward Purpose and Destiny....... You must understand we cannot afford to move outside of correct times and seasons........ Seasons are so critical to the Prophetic Call and Mantle. God performs certain things according to his time and season. Let us become mindful and use these dry seasons to build Character, and discern what is God doing in this particular season of your Life. The Bible gives numerous amounts of examples times and seasons. In the time and season that you are in currently what is God speaking to you in this hour ? Take the time to prepare for what God is trying to objectively accomplish in that particular season.

Scriptural Context !!!

1 Chronicle 12:32

From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

Apostle Bridgette Jones


  1. May the Lord continue to give you prophectic revelation.
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